Kalakand is an Indian sweet  dish made out of solidified sweetened milk and paneer with the hints of cardamom. It is a dessert and can be also known as mishri mawa, milk cake and qalaqand. It has distinct bends of flavours. Kalakand is mostly popular in the northern parts of India. It is also popular in other countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. This soft sweet mainly contains two ingredients, milk and sugar. However, the traditional way of making this dessert is long and takes time where the milk is curdled with the use of lemon or alum and simmered at low flame till it gets thicken considerably. But one can make it in no time at home by following this instant recipe.



•200gm PANEER
•2tbsp MILK
•1tbsp GHEE


Take a bowl to add the powdered sugar and milk powder and mix it well. Then grate the paneer, now take a pan add some ghee, heat it at medium flame and when it's heated add the grated paneer into the pan. Blend it at low flame for some time then add the milk and cook it for 2 minutes at low flame. Don't cook it at high flame or the paneer will turn yellow. Turn off the stove then add the powdered sugar and milk powder mixture to the paneer and mix it well then again turn on the stove and blend it at low flame then add the cardamom powder and again mix it well till it gets thick.
Take a plate, grease it with ghee and transfer the mix to the prepared greased plate then spread it to ¾inch thickness. Sprinkle the chopped pistachios and saffron on the mix and tuck them with your palm. You can also add any other nuts of your choice. Then refrigerate the mix for 20-25 minutes and cut to desired sized pieces.😄
     Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope you liked this sweet dish recipe. Please try this out and let me know and do share my blogs with your friends and family.😄

Thank you.❤️
The Curly girl


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