Aloe vera, which is a succulent plant species is extensively used in beauty products, food products and as a herbal remedy. It contains antiviral and antibacterial properties and the ability to treat a variety of major and minor ailments. Aloe Vera contains enzymes, anti-oxidants, vitamins A and C which can treat burns, acne, dry skin and many other skin issues. This Green Plant holds a gooey translucent gel known for its unbelievable healing properties all over the world. Want to know some of the amazing benefits of Aloe Vera? Read it till the end. These aloe vera benefits will help you throughout your skincare routine and hair problems.

1. Get rid of puffy eyes.

If you have puffy eyes when you wake up in the morning, apply some refrigerated aloe vera gel under your eyes before you go to bed and get rid of all the puffiness in the morning.

2.Prevents Dandruff.

Take some aloe vera gel and massage it gently onto your scalp and leave it overnight, and rinse it with cold water the next day. Try this remedy before washing your hair and you are good to go.

3. Dry skin.

Aloe vera gel absorbs oil easily, making it ideal for oily skin. However, it treats dry skin too. Take 1 tbsp of aloe vera with 1 tbsp of yogurt and mix them well. Apply it on your face using a cotton pad and leave it for 10 minutes. Repeat it thrice a week for getting best results. Yogurt contains healthy fats that nourish the skin. It contains mild acid that exfoliates the skin and removes all the dirt and impurities. It is a great cleanser for the skin.

4. Removes stretch marks.

Stretch marks is a common skin problem occurring due to sudden changes in the body. One of the wonderful ways to get rid of these stretch marks is to use aloe vera. The natural ingredients present in aloe vera helps to remove stretch marks. It can heal stretch marks faster as it contains vital enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Apply some aloe vera on the stretch marks and massage it for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not rinse it off. Apply it twice a day and you will notice the change in a few weeks.

5. Helps to reduce belly fat.

In a grinder, take a cucumber, ginger, parsley, add some lemon drops and aloe vera juice and grind it. Drink it every day to notice the change in your body weight.

6. Treats Sunburn.

To treat a sunburn, spread some chilled aloe vera gel on the burn skin. Apply it for a few times in a day and notice the change in few weeks.

So these are some of thqe very easy uses of AloeVera plant. So go ahead invent your time and money into a healthier you today. Let me know how it goes with you.πŸ˜„ 

The Curly Girl


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